I said I would get around to it, year after year, but I was busy accumulating experiences. It turned out recovery/downtime gave me the time to start bringing these tales together.
Some of you may have clicked here to read my life story and are disappointed that you hit a pay wall. I’m sorry. I really struggled with this. I have always been generous with my stories, art prices, and charity, to the point a couple of gallerists said outright to change the pricing. That coupled with a stack of medical bills and it’s work.
This page represents countless hours; remembering(harder than you think), writing, re-writing, typing, loading, formatting, and coming up with the easiest fee free platform for both of us.
The argument rages on about whether Artists should get paid or not for their intellectual property and sweat equity. I’m not willing to step into that fight anymore. Do what you’re most comfortable with and what’s best for you. And yes, I will write a book someday because I’m not done yet.
Some of you may have clicked here to read my life story and are disappointed that you hit a pay wall. I’m sorry. I really struggled with this. I have always been generous with my stories, art prices, and charity, to the point a couple of gallerists said outright to change the pricing. That coupled with a stack of medical bills and it’s work.
This page represents countless hours; remembering(harder than you think), writing, re-writing, typing, loading, formatting, and coming up with the easiest fee free platform for both of us.
The argument rages on about whether Artists should get paid or not for their intellectual property and sweat equity. I’m not willing to step into that fight anymore. Do what you’re most comfortable with and what’s best for you. And yes, I will write a book someday because I’m not done yet.
I have lived a full life for better or worse. If you have trigger warnings or you are easily offended this may not be the place for you, consider yourself warned.
I am shooting to release about five a week because the reality is I still am recovering and I’m also still remembering.
If you came for a specific story and you don’t recognize it, by title, feel free to use the contact page and I’ll let you know which it is. Or if there’s a specific one that you want to see, let me know through the contact page.
I am shooting to release about five a week because the reality is I still am recovering and I’m also still remembering.
If you came for a specific story and you don’t recognize it, by title, feel free to use the contact page and I’ll let you know which it is. Or if there’s a specific one that you want to see, let me know through the contact page.